Brembo Brake Callipers- Powder Coated (Red)
December 28, 2015

Brembo Brake Callipers- Powder Coated (Red)
This BMW M3 customer wanted to fit Brembo Brake Callipers onto his brake system but unfortunately they wouldn’t fit straight on as they were too big. The Wheel Medics being specialists were able to machine the Callipers down to size, so they would fit onto the M3’s existing brake system. After we machined the Callipers down to size we Powder Coated them into Red leaving them looking brand new and as if they were made to  fit the car.

Customers have the option to have their brake callipers painted into the colour of their choice when their wheels are being refurbished. Most people choose colours like red or black. We first have to remove all the rust from the callipers, using specialist cleaners and abrasive papers. We can then apply the 3-4 coats of the heat resistant paint, specially formulated for brake callipers. More images of painted Brake Callipers