Sandblasting and Cleaning Brake Disks – Corvette
November 15, 2014

Corvette – Sandblasting and Cleaning Brake Disks and Powder Coating Corvette Callipers Gold
This customer had imported a Corvette over from the states and wanted to completely restore it back to its original condition and add a few extra finishing touches to it to give it more of a customised and sporting look. The Brake Disks were badly rusted and required a real good cleaning. The only way to clean the brake disks metal properly is to Sandblast the surface of it to expose what is underneath. As the Brake Disks were old and the customer wanted them looking as good as possible as we sandblasted them a few times to clean them as well as we could. They turned out looking really good. The customer also wanted us to Powder Coat his Cars Brake Callipers into Gold. Check out images of how we Powder Coated his Cars Brake Callipers into Gold.

We also use sandblasting in our Alloy Wheel Refurbishment Process – Check out our Alloy Wheel Sandblasting page