Category: Face Repair
Audi Q7 Diamond Cut Face Repair – Bent Rim
July 24, 2015Read MoreAudi Q7 Diamond Cut Face Repair – Bent Rim This Q7 Diamond Cut Alloy Wheel had to be spun on a CNC Lathe (Alloy Wheels Diamond Cutting Machine), to achieve the immaculately Polished Finish on the front of the Alloy’s face. If the Alloy is not completely straight and is spinning with a buckle or […]
Fiat 500 Powder Coated & Diamond Cut Alloy Wheel Refurbishment
February 3, 2015Read MoreFiat 500 Powder Coated & Diamond Cut Alloy Wheel Refurbishment The Wheel Medics specialise in Alloy Wheel Refurbishment and Repairs offering Powder Coating and Diamond Cutting In London and the surrounding areas. The Wheel Medics are able to refurbish Alloy Wheels back to original condition no matter their finish. Most Alloy Wheel Refurbishment companies can only […]
Bentley Split Rim Repair – Welding on dish
January 15, 2015Read MoreBentley Split Rim Repair – Welding on dish This Bentley Split Rim Alloy Required welding on the polished edge as it had deep kerbing damage which meant it had to be rebuilt to the right level before it could be re-diamond cut on the CNC Lathe. Normally Split Rims have a polished outer dish, which requires […]
Mercedes Smart Car Brabus – Cracked, Buckled & Bent Alloy Wheel Full Refurbishment
November 24, 2014Read MoreMercedes Smart Brabus Car – Cracked, Buckled & Bent Alloy – Full Refurbishment Buckles or bends on the front of the Alloy can also be repaired but cost more as the wheel then normally needs a Full Alloy Wheel Refurbishment to make the damaged area on the front of the alloy look new again (Ac […]
BMW AC Schnitzer- Welding, Straightening & Polishing
October 14, 2014Read MoreBMW AC Schnitzer- Welding, Straightening & Polishing This was a 2 tone wheel. It had a Polished outer edge which had become bent and crack after the car was involved in a accident. Buckles or bends on the front of the Alloy can also be repaired but cost more as the wheel then normally needs […]
Mercedes – Diamond Cut & Powder Coat Corrosion Removal
June 14, 2015Read MoreMercedes – Diamond Cut and Powder Coat Process – Corrosion Removal Images This set of Mercedes C Class Alloy Wheels originally have a Polished Diamond Cut finish on the face of the wheel. We Specialise in Fully Refurbishing Alloy Wheels to make them look new again inside & out. We Acid dip & Sandblast the […]
VW- Rebuild Welding & Straightening & Powder Coated
May 14, 2015Read MoreVW- Rebuild Welding & Straightening & Powder Coated This VW Sharan Alloy Wheel was badly damaged and need a lot of work from Straightening, Welding/Rebuilding most of the face and then finally Powder Coated the wheel to leave it looking brand new again. When refurbishing alloys we Aluminium Weld all deep Kerbing Damage, whereas other […]
BMW M3- Diamond Cut Face Repair – Rebuild on Edge
May 12, 2015Read MoreBMW M3- Diamond Cut Face Repair – Rebuild on Edge This BMW M3 Diamond Cut Wheel had to be spun on a CNC Lathe (Alloy Wheels- Diamond Cut) to achieve the immaculately polished finish on the front of the Alloy’s face. If the Alloy Wheels face is not completely flat and has a big chunk […]